11 Ways CRM Solutions Can Impact Your Sales Process

Your customer relationship management (CRM) system is designed to organize and track your contacts and relationship with your customers, but it can do far more. In the hands of your sales team, your CRM can provide insight into your customers, turn prospects into customers, increase your sales team’s productivity and boost your sales. Take a […]

Can I Use Outlook as a CRM?

As a business owner, you realize your salespeople send plenty of emails. For many, it’s the primary communication medium used for drumming up new leads and communicating with prospects. And it’s a big part of their day: salespeople average 13 hours per week working on email. Of course, effective selling involves a lot more than […]

5 Ways LinkPoint360 Helps Achieve Maximum CRM Productivity

For most salespeople, email is the preferred channel for communication. As a marketing tool, it’s indispensable for contacting prospects, following up leads and nurturing your current customers. And while companies spend small fortunes on social media campaigns, a study by McKinsey shows that email alone is nearly 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter […]

11 Benefits of CRM Integration

Customer relationship management is one of the keys to success for any organization. CRM helps you better manage interactions with customers, making it possible to improve business relationships and retain your most valuable customers for as long as possible. When you combine CRM with other tools, such as email, calendar software and social media, it’s […]

9 Reasons to Start Your LinkPoint360 Free Trial Today

Third-party integrations make it easier to use CRM software and ERP systems, helping you streamline inefficient processes and maximize productivity. LinkPoint360 offers LinkPoint Connect for Salesforce and LinkPoint Connect for Microsoft Dynamics, tools that can help you customize your system to ensure it meets the needs of everyone in your organization. Both tools offer a […]

The Disadvantages of Salesforce Automation

These days, organizations sitting at the intersection of business and technology need to move fast to stay relevant. With the rapid proliferation of cloud technologies, for example, it often seems like a constant scramble to implement the latest and greatest features just to keep up. Of course, with all of these added systems, we often […]

The Perils of Best Practices

I have a pretty unique role with LinkPoint360, and one of the more interesting aspects of my job is to work directly with customers to help them get the most out of their software. Daily, weekly, monthly I’m on calls, webinars, and even in exhibit booths talking about how our software solutions can make it quicker […]

Spring is in the Air!

March is already here, and Spring is quickly approaching. In my previous blog, What You Can Achieve in 2019, I discussed the importance of making a list for either personal, business, or professional growth. We created our own list at LinkPoint360, and now that we are three months into the year, we’re busy at work […]

(The Customer) Journey

Journey. Experience. Lifecycle. You can use any number of terms to talk about how to manage, interact with, or map out a plan for working with customers. But to me, it’s more than just a phrase. I spend the majority of each day balancing the management of both Marketing and Customer Success for LinkPoint360. And […]

The Impact of Support on Success

Having a robust support system can be the key to the success of a software purchase for an organization. Clients can find themselves frustrated or unable to utilize software as intended without a clear understanding of available resources or a network to rely on for help when trying to exact value from a system. LinkPoint360 […]

The Importance of Reviews and Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is a necessity for every company. In order for a company to grow and expand their features and product lines, they must be open and willing to hear both positive and negative feedback from customers. This will help prospects decide which product works best for them. When a company receives a good recommendation, […]


Why does the team here at LinkPoint360 create software for CRM users? The answer is pretty simple. Success. We know what goes into using a complex CRM platform like Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics. We know what it’s like to have sales and marketing and support teams working differently between the CRM and their email (where, […]