Relating a New IBM Notes Calendar Item to an Existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM Record
LinkPoint Connect promotes CRM adoption by offering a variety of shortcuts to encourage users to add new contacts, opportunities, and accounts to Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This can be done easily from IBM Notes. In this section, you will learn how to relate new calendar items such as Meetings and Appointments in IBM Notes to existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM accounts.
Example: In this example, we will demonstrate how to relate Meetings to existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM records.
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Relating a New IBM Notes Calendar Item to an Existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM Record
Open the New Meeting screen in IBM Notes and enter information for the meeting including the attendees, subject, location, date, time, and content.
Select the Regarding link in the LinkPoint Connect for Microsoft CRM section of the new meeting.
Search for contacts and other related records such as opportunities or cases that correspond with the new meeting. Enter partial or full search terms in the Search field and click the Go button. Review the list of search results on the left pane.
Double click items on the left pane or click the green arrow to add them to the Regarding pane. Double click items on the Regarding pane or click the red x to remove them. Click the Ok button to continue.
Tip: Microsoft Dynamics CRM limits the number of items that users can relate to CRM records at a time. If you try to select more than one Regarding item, LinkPoint Connect will remind you of the selection limit.
Note that there are now records listed in the Regarding section of the new meeting.
Finish creating the new meeting and then click the Send button to create the meeting and send it to the listed recipients. LinkPoint Connect will sync the new meeting to your calendar in Microsoft Dynamics CRM during the next scheduled or manual sync depending on your settings. The new meeting will also be added to the selected records in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
Download: Access the complete LinkPoint Connect: IBM Notes + Microsoft Dynamics CRM User Guide in .pdf format. Get the User Guide