Troubleshooting Contact Sync (Exchange + Salesforce)

Cloud Edition offers users the flexibility to customize how Contact Sync moves data between Salesforce and Microsoft Exchange. When getting started, users may experience outcomes that do not match their expectations for the sync functionally. In this section, you will review some common scenarios to help with troubleshooting Contact Sync and to guide you as you configure your settings.


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Troubleshooting Contact Sync

Syncing Contacts from Exchange to Salesforce

Users can copy or move existing Exchange contacts to the SF Contact Sync folder to sync the items to Salesforce. However, note that there is no way to associate a new contact from Exchange to an existing Salesforce record. As a result, the Exchange contact will sync to Salesforce but will become a Private Contact. You will need to locate it and add any necessary associations.




Avoiding Duplicate Contacts from Exchange to Salesforce

Users can copy or move existing Exchange contacts to the SF Contact Sync folder to sync the items to Salesforce. However, if you add a Contact with a specific email address (i.e. [email protected]) from Exchange to the SF Contact Sync folder, and you already have a Contact that synced from Salesforce to Exchange with the same email address (i.e. [email protected]), you will sync two instances of the contact to Salesforce the next time the sync runs. The one item will be the original from Salesforce and the other will become a Private Contact in Salesforce.




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